Spectacular Fall Migration

Cape May Warbler at Ridge Junction by Alan Lenk

Ridge Junction Overlook WNC

August 28, 2024

Blue-winged Warbler by Alan Lenk

Register by clicking the ‘book now’ button above, or by contacting the Ventures office. We accept credit cards for an additional fee (2.9% for MC, Visa, Discover; 3.9% for AmEx), but you may also pay by bank transfer, cash, check, or money order. This Venture is limited to 10 participants.

Meeting Place: Ridge Junction Overlook is located at Milepost 355.3 on the Blue Ridge Parkway, just after the entrance to Mt. Mitchell State Park. Time: 7 AM – 1 PM Cost: $60


An easy and relaxing day sitting around and enjoying the fall passage of songbirds at Ridge Junction Overlook! Bring a chair or something comfortable to sit upon, as well as warm clothing and blankets, as it may be cool first thing in the morning.

Ridge Junction Overlook is one of the best spots in the Blue Ridge to enjoy the fall migration of warblers and other passerines. Late August marks the very beginning of the fall migration for quite a few songbirds, and although the peak for many species is mid-September, we should still find a nice selection of southbound migrants at the end of August. Even at this time of year, hundreds of birds can pass through the gap here over the course a morning!

Over the past few years there have been over 25 species of warblers seen at this spot, including Blackburnian, Magnolia, Mourning, Cerulean, Chestnut-sided, Hooded, Black-and-white, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green…the list is endless. Other species include Broad-winged and Sharp-shinned Hawks, Swainson’s, Wood, and Hermit Thrushes, Red-eyed, Blue-headed and Philadelphia Vireos, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Scarlet Tanager and many more. This is also one of the most reliable spots in the mountains for Red Crossbills.

Join us for a relaxing morning while we enjoy the passage of birds through the gap and work on the identification of those ‘confusing fall warblers.’